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Parents and Children Together (PACT): Domestic Violence Shelter and Transitional Program


ʻOhiʻa Shelter offers a safe and confidential facility on Oʻahu for survivors and their children who can no longer remain in their homes because of danger from domestic violence. Crisis support is available 24/7. Trained staff assist survivors with safety, future life-planning and generate referrals for housing, legal assistance and medical needs.

After the devastation of a lava flow, the ʻOhiʻa is one of the first plants that appear. It is delicate and hardy and survives the harshest of climates. “ʻOhiʻa” is our metaphor for the women and children who come to us for safety.

Domestic violence affects people from all socio-economic, ethnic and religious backgrounds. Although almost anyone can be a victim of domestic violence, women are the most common victims. In homes where domestic violence occurs, children are also at high risk for physical, verbal and mental abuse.

ʻOhiʻa Domestic Violence Shelter Services

Get in touch with PACT: ʻOhiʻa Domestic Violence Shelter and Transitional Program

PACT: ʻOhiʻa Domestic Violence Shelter and Transitional Program has a 24/7 crisis hotline and their shelter address is confidential to the public